June 27, 2017

Donated Wheelchairs Spread Hope Across Borders
By: Sheryl Wilde
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.”
~ Desmond Tutu
Gabriela sees the light. Would you?
Born with cerebral palsy, Gabriela was abandoned at an orphanage by her parents who were too poor to take care of her. Gabriela says she understands their decision and does not want to be a burden to them.
The orphanage, located in one of the poorest, most crime-ridden areas of Mexico, is being shut-down as Gabriela and all of the other orphans suffer severe neglect there.
“God put rainbows in the clouds so that each of us – in the dreariest and
most dreaded moments – can see a possibility of hope.” Maya Angelou
Gabriela sees the rainbows in the clouds. Would you?
On the rare days when a visitor arrives at the orphanage, Gabriela is usually found unbathed and sitting in her own waste – apparently left completely alone, stranded in a wheelchair, which she cannot move on her own, for days on end.
The wheelchair is old and tattered, with no cushioning on the seat, no foot rests. Unable to hold herself in an upright position due to the advanced stage of her disease, and with no harness to hold her in the wheelchair, Gabriela continually slides down in the seat until her head wedges up against the backrest, or worse, she slides all the way down and falls on the filth-covered floor.
“Once you choose hope, anything is possible.” Christopher Reeve
Gabriela chooses hope. Would you?
Trapped in what most of us would call a horrible and hopeless situation, Gabriela hasn’t given up. Now in her 40’s, she is learning to read – and to write with the one hand she has that is semi-functional. She is mentally alert and able and has hope that she will one day be able to go out into the poverty and crime-ridden streets of Mexico, uplifting hearts and minds by reading the bible to those in desperate need.
“When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” – Unknown
Most days … most days … Gabriela hears the whispers of hope. Would you?
Says Sara Rohling, RN, Health Services Coordinator, MSCH-San Diego, “I’m a member of St. Michael’s Church in Poway. They have a program where they provide wheelchairs and prosthetics to those who can’t afford them in Mexico.
“Recently, I learned that Mountain Shadows had several old wheelchairs sitting, unused, in a shed. Our residents had purchased new wheelchairs and no longer needed the old ones. We didn’t know what to do with the old chairs. Nobody wanted them! The Salvation Army said they were too beat up for them to take.
“When I spoke with Brigitte Ponce, the Director of Corporal Works of Mercy at St. Michael’s, she was thrilled. She said the chairs could be used in Mexico. And when she came to look at the wheelchairs she was flabbergasted! She said that, compared to the wheelchairs used by the needy in Mexico, they were in great shape.
“The residents were so excited to be able to donate their wheelchairs to help others in need. Most people think our Mountain Shadows residents are the ones who need help. They don’t think of them helping others, but they do it all the time!”
“Gabriela will be a recipient of one of the first wheelchairs,” adds Brigitte. “A new wheelchair is a first step toward more independence and it will help to restore her dignity! It is truly heartbreaking to see her trapped in this terrible place, living in such poverty.”
Says Sara, “St. Michael’s will give the donations to Angel Silva first. Angel was raised in an orphanage and is disabled too! He is confined to a wheelchair and his life’s mission is to mobilize the disabled in Mexico. It’s pretty great! He refurbishes and customizes each wheelchair to best suit each individual and their needs.”
“I wish we could bring Gabby over the border and place her at Mountain Shadows!” says Brigitte. “Our Team is trying to find funding to place her into a better living facility that would give her the attention she deserves, but we haven’t had luck in finding the money it would take to sponsor her monthly. Though we haven’t found a new home for her yet, this wheelchair will go a long way in helping her.
“This orphanage is in the process of being shut-down, which is a blessing, but people with disabilities in Mexico are often left behind. Please have Mountain Shadows residents keep Gabby in their prayers. Just knowing that there are people out there thinking of her and praying for her means the world to her.
“Our Team goes to Mexico every week. In addition to wheelchairs, we also provide prosthetics to those who can’t afford to buy limbs. There are so many homeless people in need.
“Mountain Shadows donated a total of 20 wheelchairs. Many of these wheelchairs will go to the homeless, to those missing legs. Please let the residents know their wheelchairs will help disabled children in the poorest of conditions!”
When we look first at Gabriela, and then look deep within ourselves, and ask, “If we were in her situation, would we see the light through the darkness? Would we see the rainbow in the clouds? Would we choose hope? Would we – could we – hear the whispers of hope over the cries of desperation?” For many of us, the answer may not be an easy one.
“Sometimes one act of kindness is all it takes to give someone hope again.” – Randa Abdel-Fattah
But Mountain Shadows was born on the wings of hope – hope for better, richer, more fulfilling lives for not only all of our residents and clients, but for all disabled individuals everywhere.
And now, thanks to a unique partnership between St. Michael’s Church in Poway and Mountain Shadows, and this small act of kindness, we believe that in Gabriela’s future – hope lives …
“Hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists
Something better awaits us as long as we have the courage
To keep reaching,
To keep working,
To keep fighting.”
Barak Obama
… and anything is possible!