David is currently the consulting Occupational Therapist at Mountain Shadows Community Homes. Whenever he walks across campus, wheelchairs flock to him. He likes coming to homes when life is happening and seeing how his clients live. This perspective has been invaluable as he serves as a member of the Mountain Shadows Support Group and Mountain Shadows Foundation’s Boards of Directors.
As a faculty member at the renowned Loma Linda University School of Medicine (LLUSM), Department of Pediatric NeuroScience, David’s passion for whole person care jells perfectly with the university’s mission – to make man whole. He incorporates this philosophy as he manages a caseload of 800 pediatric patients at LLUSM’s Muscular Dystrophy Clinic.
In addition to his work at LLUSM and MSCH, David is a consulting Occupational Therapist at Angel View Crippled Children’s Foundation. Angel View operates 18 six-bed residential homes (ICFDDH/N/CN and CHLF licensed) serving more than 100 children and young adults in locations throughout California’s Coachella Valley and high desert.
David was a paid-call firefighter for the San Bernardino County Fire Department for most of the 1990’s, where he proudly served during the Malibu fire and the Northridge quake incidents.
David was awarded a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Loma Linda University, School of Allied Health Professions, Department of Occupational Therapy. He is registered with the National Certification Board for Occupational Therapists and holds a current license with the California Board of Occupational Therapy.