October 20, 2021

Kiwanis Key Club Plants New Tree of Hope at Birch House
by Sheryl Wilde
While there’s been no official election, everybody knows Kenny Lewis is the Mayor of Mountain Shadows.
For as long as anyone can remember, Kenny could be found sitting in his wheelchair, under a lovely shade tree, in the front yard at Birch house.
Kenny knows everything that’s going on in the Mountain Shadows community. He knows what everybody is doing. And he’s always the first one to help out if anyone needs anything.
Many have heard Kenny say, “When I get to heaven, I’m gonna run! Both of my legs will be okay – and I’m just gonna run and run and RUN!!!”
Kenny hasn’t been able to run, or to even walk, for many years. But he doesn’t let his cerebral palsy stop him.
From beneath the canopy of leaves of the Birch house tree, Mayor Kenny has always greeted all passersby – residents, staff, and visitors alike – with a friendly smile. He directed traffic and let everyone know what was happening in the neighborhood.
From under that canopy of leaves, through his leadership as Mayor, Kenny created a small-town atmosphere, where everyone felt welcome in the Mountain Shadows community.
But, some time before the pandemic hit, the old Birch house tree died and had to be removed. And, though the tree, along with its’ protective canopy was gone, day after day, Mayor Kenny continued to sit in front of Birch house serving the community in the best way he could.
As the pandemic wore on, there were fewer people on the Mountain Shadows campus. And, on some days, Kenny began staying inside Birch house, in his room, with the blinds pulled down.

In some small, but important way, it may have felt to Kenny, and perhaps to others, as if a beloved part of our community had died along with the Birch house tree.
But then, Mayor Kenny realized what needed to be done, “We need a new tree!”
“Our volunteers through Kiwanis Division 37, Escondido – Hidden Valley, and High School Kiwanis, Orange Glen, Escondido and San Pasqual immediately volunteered to help us find and plant a new tree,” says Vickie Perdaris, Activity Director.
Steve Jacobs, Escondido Kiwanis Member/Past President and Owner of Nature Designs Landscaping, Randy Ortlieb, Key Club Advisor to the Aktion Club of North County San Diego and Founder of Palomar Law Group, and a group of 10 Kiwanis Key Club members came together with a mission to plant a tree at Birch house.
“Steve generously offered to donate the tree,” says Vickie.
“We chose a Gold Medallion tree,” says Steve, a certified arborist. “It will grow to 25-30 feet tall and will have bright yellow blooms in the summer.”
Steve joined Kiwanis 27 years ago. “The Kiwanis mission is to serve the children of the world. We’ve been involved with Mountain Shadows for more than 20 years.
“The Key Club is a branch of Kiwanis. The Club’s goal is for high school students to learn leadership skills. They learn how to work with others and how to give back to their communities.”

Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students, with thousands of Key Clubs in more than 38 countries.
“The residents of Mountain Shadows are amazing people,” adds Steve. “They have such a positive outlook. It’s always a pleasure to help Mountain Shadows. It feels good to work with the residents and to help make their lives better. We look forward to working on future projects at Mountain Shadows.”
On the morning the tree was planted, Mayor Kenny was sitting in his room in Birch house, with the blinds closed. When he heard voices outside, he opened the blinds to see what was happening.
“When he saw the new tree, he was pointing, and squealing, and hollering with glee!” says Vickie.

Mayor Kenny has been outside, sitting by the new Birch house tree, every day since.
“He who plants a tree, plants a hope.”
― Lucy Larcom
And on the day when Kenny gets to heaven, we know his legs will be okay. And he will run and run and RUN!
Our sincere thanks, from Mayor Kenny, and the entire Mountain Shadows family, go out to Steve Jacobs, Randy Ortlieb, and all of the Key Club members who planted this new tree of hope!