About MSF

Mission Statement
The mission of Mountain Shadows Foundation is to secure monies, gifts, and assets for our permanent use in the support of persons with intellectual disabilities who reside at and receive services from Mountain Shadows Support Group and Mountain Shadows Ancillary Services.

Values Statement
Mountain Shadows Foundation is an organization devoted to:
Commitment and tenacity
Success in meeting our mission
Our growth & development
The fiscal stability of Mountain Shadows Support Group (MSSG) and Mountain Shadows Ancillary Services
Improving the homes, lifestyles, and qualities of life of MSSG and MSAS residents and program participants
The primacy of the indomitable human spirit

Vision Statement
Mountain Shadows Foundation will become the “charity of choice” for San Diego’s North County and Riverside County businesses, individuals, and communities; and, will build an endowment corpus approaching $10.0 Million and a general fund approaching $2.0 Million by the end of its tenth year of existence.